Friday 21 June 2024

Kettensägen-Präsident in Berlin | DW Nachrichten

Jun 21, 2024 « Das "Rattennest": So nennt Javier Milei das argentinische Parlament. Wohl auch weil er als neuer Präsident von dort kaum die nötige Zustimmung für seine umstrittenen Gesetzesvorhaben bekam. Seit einem halben Jahr ist Milei nun im Amt: Was ist seitdem aus der wirtschaftlichen Radikal-Reform geworden, die Milei versprochen hat? Wie macht er sich auf dem internationalen Parkett und warum wird er beim Staatsbesuch in Berlin nicht mit militärischen Ehren empfangen?

Bloomberg Originals: Why the UK's Economy Stopped Working

Jun 21, 2024 | The UK’s new government will inherit an historic economic challenge as a result of Brexit, the pandemic, Russia’s war on Ukraine and the debt burden exacerbated by all three. Inflation is just one obstacle facing the Labour Party under Leader Keir Starmer, the Conservatives under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak or whomever the country chooses. While raising taxes or increasing debt are unlikely options, there is a potential solution to Britain's economic crisis: increasing productivity and efficiency.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Why Germany Will Lose the 2030s

Mar 9, 2024 | The world's 4th largest economy, Germany, is facing serious challenges. From its reliance on China for export markets to the impact of its energy choices and its role within the European Union, this video delves into the multifaceted issues that Germany must navigate in the coming years.

Why the UK Will Lose the 2030s

May 21, 2024 | The United Kingdom is a nation once known as the empire on which the sun never sets. The 19th century saw the UK as the world's wealthiest and most powerful nation, victorious through two world wars. However, ominous clouds now loom over this historical powerhouse.

In this video, we explore the multifaceted crises threatening the UK's future. From housing shortages and Brexit mismanage-ment to a looming demographic disaster, the fabric of British society is fraying. The decade ahead could see the UK losing its permanent seat on the UN Security Council and struggling to meet its massive public service obligations.

From the heights of British naval dominance and the Industrial Revolution to the post-war economic shifts catalyzed by the Bretton Woods system, we'll examine the demographic time bomb of an aging population and the strain on public services like the NHS. With high tax rates driving brain drain and protests simmering across the nation, can the UK pull through these formidable challenges? Stay tuned as we unravel the complexities and imperatives of this critical moment in British history.