Thursday 25 July 2024

Stock Markets Tumble amid Jitters over Tech Companies’ Growth

THE GUARDIAN: Losses in Europe and Asia are driven by AI-related groups including Nvidia, Tesla and Google-owner Alphabet

Stock markets in Europe and Asia took a tumble on Thursday, as jitters over the future growth of major tech companies sparked a global sell-off.

The pan-European Stoxx 600 dropped 1.3% to its lowest level since May this year, having been hit by a 2.75% decline in the Dutch chipmaker ASML, a 5.5% drop in Germany’s Infineon Technologies, and a 12.8% fall in Switzerland’s semiconductor company STMicroelectronics.

The rout began in the US overnight, where the tech-focused Nasdaq fell 3.6% on Wednesday, marking its biggest single-day decline since 2022. About $1tn (£776bn) was knocked off the value of the Nasdaq 100, which covers the most valuable firms on the index. » | Kalyeena Makortoff | Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Why Britain Joined the EU

Jun 5, 2024 | On D-Day we remember how brave men and women from many allied countries fought the final battles against the Nazis to bring the most brutal world war to an end in Europe. Peace came at last as a direct result of their enduring efforts.

Tens of thousands of lives were tragically and horribly lost in the pursuit of that aim. But how was lasting peace achieved between European countries that, for centuries, had been more used to resolving their differences through violence, war, and subjugation?

The European Community, established during the post-war years and now called the European Union, played a key role. Yes, NATO helped to protect us from external threats. But it was the European Union that brought sustained security and peace between its members.

By collaborating and cooperating, in peace and democratically, to decide on the running and future direction of our continent, European countries found and agreed solutions to common problems.

It worked. Never has a shot been fired between EU member states. An amazing achievement, for which the EU won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. So, when people ask, ‘Why was the EU started?’ the answer, first and foremost, was peace. Yes, trade was one of the means, but peace was the primary goal. And it’s why Britain joined the European Community. To work together, peacefully and democratically, with our European allies to recreate our post-war continent based on democracy, human rights, free market trade and the rule of law.

Did people truly understand this when ticking the ‘Leave’ box in the 2016 referendum?

Friday 12 July 2024

Robert Reich: The Real Welfare in America I 10 Economic Myths Debunked

Jul 12, 2024 | The Wells Fargo exec overseeing their customer account scam got a $125 million exit package. Meanwhile, most Americans who lose their jobs get only limited unemployment benefits. When I say we have socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for the rest, this is what I mean.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Argentine Provincial Governors Back Milei's Austerity Programme

Jul 10, 2024 | Argentina's president Javier Milei and the governors of 18 provinces have signed a pact in a push to broaden support for his economic reform programme. The signing took place on Independence Day as the country deals with its worst economic crisis in decades.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Did Thatcher Ruin or Save the UK Economy?

Jan 29, 2024 | The economic impact of Margaret Thatcher's economic policies was immense. This is a look at the impact on inflation, unemployment, growth, inequality and the long-term structure of the economy.

Skint: The Truth About Britain's Broken Economy | Channel 4 Documentaries

Jul 2, 2024 | Britain feels under-funded and falling apart. On the eve of the election, as politicians argue about the causes, economist Tim Harford looks at what the numbers reveal about the broken state we're in.

Central Bank Independence Is a Myth. They Need to Be Democratized.

Oct 30, 2019 | Gerald Epstein discusses his new book, a collection of essays on how central banking is shaped, how it shapes the economy, and how it can be made more responsive to people's needs.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Niall Ferguson: Are We the Soviets Now?

Jul 2, 2024 | With public calls to remove the sitting US President, a UK election set to unseat its government and the rightward swing in Europe, it’s all change on the Western front. Best-selling historian Sir Niall Ferguson joins UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers for a wide-lens tour of populism and its discontents.

How Does Greece's Government Justify a 6-day Working Week? | DW News

Jul 3, 2024 | Greece has become the first country in the European Union to introduce a six-day working week for some businesses. The measure applies to firms that provide 24/7 services, or those experiencing an extraordinary workload. Greece's pro-business government calls the regulation "worker-friendly." But it's sparked outrage among trade unions. And many people on the street don't like it either.

Friday 21 June 2024

Kettensägen-Präsident in Berlin | DW Nachrichten

Jun 21, 2024 « Das "Rattennest": So nennt Javier Milei das argentinische Parlament. Wohl auch weil er als neuer Präsident von dort kaum die nötige Zustimmung für seine umstrittenen Gesetzesvorhaben bekam. Seit einem halben Jahr ist Milei nun im Amt: Was ist seitdem aus der wirtschaftlichen Radikal-Reform geworden, die Milei versprochen hat? Wie macht er sich auf dem internationalen Parkett und warum wird er beim Staatsbesuch in Berlin nicht mit militärischen Ehren empfangen?

Bloomberg Originals: Why the UK's Economy Stopped Working

Jun 21, 2024 | The UK’s new government will inherit an historic economic challenge as a result of Brexit, the pandemic, Russia’s war on Ukraine and the debt burden exacerbated by all three. Inflation is just one obstacle facing the Labour Party under Leader Keir Starmer, the Conservatives under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak or whomever the country chooses. While raising taxes or increasing debt are unlikely options, there is a potential solution to Britain's economic crisis: increasing productivity and efficiency.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Why Germany Will Lose the 2030s

Mar 9, 2024 | The world's 4th largest economy, Germany, is facing serious challenges. From its reliance on China for export markets to the impact of its energy choices and its role within the European Union, this video delves into the multifaceted issues that Germany must navigate in the coming years.

Why the UK Will Lose the 2030s

May 21, 2024 | The United Kingdom is a nation once known as the empire on which the sun never sets. The 19th century saw the UK as the world's wealthiest and most powerful nation, victorious through two world wars. However, ominous clouds now loom over this historical powerhouse.

In this video, we explore the multifaceted crises threatening the UK's future. From housing shortages and Brexit mismanage-ment to a looming demographic disaster, the fabric of British society is fraying. The decade ahead could see the UK losing its permanent seat on the UN Security Council and struggling to meet its massive public service obligations.

From the heights of British naval dominance and the Industrial Revolution to the post-war economic shifts catalyzed by the Bretton Woods system, we'll examine the demographic time bomb of an aging population and the strain on public services like the NHS. With high tax rates driving brain drain and protests simmering across the nation, can the UK pull through these formidable challenges? Stay tuned as we unravel the complexities and imperatives of this critical moment in British history.