Monday 28 January 2008

Many More Millions for Tone!

THE TELEGRAPH: Tony Blair has expanded his post-Prime Ministerial employment portfolio yet again – and given his soaring earnings another rocket boost – by taking on a second job as a financial consultant.

The top Swiss financial services company Zurich announced it had signed up Mr Blair to give advice on "developments and trends in the international political environment". Zurich refused to say how much Mr Blair will earn.

But, if his £2.5-million-a-year salary for a recently announced role as part-time advisor to Wall Street bank JP Morgan is anything to go by, it will be substantial.

Mr Blair is said to be keen to earn as much as he reasonably can over the next year because he hopes to become the EU's first Permanent President of the Council of Ministers from the start of next year.

If he got the EU job, which would come with a salary of around £200,000, he would have to give up his consultancies – hence the rush to take advantage of the best offers now. Tony Blair takes new financial consultancy role >>> By Toby Helm, Public Policy Editor

Gordon Brown to thwart Tony Blair's EU bid By Andrew Pierce, Toby Helm and Rosa Prince

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