Friday, 21 October 2016

François Hollande: UK Must Pay Price for Brexit

The French president, François Hollande, says the European Union will ‘be firm’ with the UK after the government’s signal that it will go for a ‘hard’ Brexit. Speaking at a symposium on Thursday, Hollande says it is not possible for the UK to leave without having to pay the price, otherwise the bloc risks encouraging other countries to follow suit

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Brexit: Britain’s Vote to Leave EU Hits Food Prices

It has been almost four months since Great Britain voted to leave the European Union.

Those who campaigned to stay warned that the British economy may be hit hard by a vote to leave.

The British pound continues to tumble and the consumers are paying the price.

Al Jazeera’s Neave Barker reports from London.

Analysis: Saudi Arabia’s First International Bond Sale

For the first time, Saudi Arabia is turning to debt markets to prop up its finances.

Its first international bond sale is estimated to be the biggest emerging market debt offering in history.

Martin Baccardax is the London bureau chief for, a US-based financial media group. He breaks down the move.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Re-thinking Microeconomics by Joseph Stiglitz

Lecture by Professor Joseph Stiglitz at Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute in Prague on October 11, 2011

The One Percent

This 80-minute documentary focuses on the growing "wealth gap" in America, as seen through the eyes of filmmaker Jamie Johnson, a 27-year-old heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune. Johnson, who cut his film teeth at NYU and made the Emmy®-nominated 2003 HBO documentary Born Rich, here sets his sights on exploring the political, moral and emotional rationale that enables a tiny percentage of Americans - the one percent - to control nearly half the wealth of the entire United States. The film Includes interviews with Nicole Buffett, Bill Gates Sr., Adnan Khashoggi, Milton Friedman, Robert Reich, Ralph Nader and other luminaries.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Capitalism by Stiglitz

Joseph Stiglitz the Nobel prize winning economist explores the origins and the continuing impact of one of the greatest ideas in history- capitalism. As with the rest of the series, 'Big Ideas That Changed the World' he weaves his own personal story through the bigger historical tale.

Expect Food Inflation of 5% in 12 months: Lord Haskins - BBC Newsnight

The former head of Northern Foods, Lord Haskins, says he expects food inflation of 5% in the next 12 months. He was speaking to Emily Maitlis, as a dispute emerged over the price of Marmite - and other products - in supermarkets. Lord Haskins was in favour of Remain in the EU referendum.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Die ungleichen Staaten von Amerika – Doku

Im Schatten der Armut und im Licht des Reichtums

Die Dokumentation zeigt Armut und Reichtum in den USA. Das Thema "Geld" ist in den Vereinigten Staaten naturgemäß eng verbunden mit dem "American Dream". Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär, davon träumen viele Amerikaner noch immer. Doch viele Menschen fallen in den reichen USA durchs Raster. ZDFinfo zeigt ihre bewegenden Schicksale, gibt aber auch Einblick in den "American Dream" und zieht dabei Vergleiche zum Wohlstand in Deutschland.

Die USA sind Spitzenreiter, was die Ungleichverteilung des Vermögens angeht. In der amerikanischen Gesellschaft sind sehr wenige sehr reich und sehr viele erschreckend arm. Die US-Statistikbehörde meldete im Jahr 2014 fast 47 Millionen arme Amerikaner. Die Kluft wächst unaufhaltsam. Doch die meisten US-Bürger sind überzeugt: Im Land der Freiheit ist es nicht die Aufgabe des Staates, soziale Ungleichheit zu bekämpfen. Die Verantwortung trägt jeder für sich.

Ein Mythos bröckelt Ungleichheit gibt es in den USA seit jeher - sie ist Triebfeder für eine dynamische Wirtschaft, in der die Mittelklasse die Möglichkeit zum Aufstieg hat. Solange alle vom "American Dream" träumen können, wird den Millionären und Superreichen neidlos Respekt gezollt. Doch seit der Finanzkrise bröckelt dieser Mythos.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Joseph Stiglitz: The Euro

In his latest book, Stiglitz, the 2001 Nobel Prize-winning economist, asks whether the Eurozone is united or divided by its common currency. Criticizing the European Central Bank for policies, such as austerity, that cause rather than alleviate stagnation, the former World Bank senior vice president and chief economist outlines three possible futures, showing what it would mean for Europe to make structural reforms, adapt a radical new flexibility, or dissolve. Founded by Carla Cohen and Barbara Meade in 1984, Politics & Prose Bookstore is Washington, D.C.'s premier independent bookstore and cultural hub, a gathering place for people interested in reading and discussing books. Politics & Prose offers superior service, unusual book choices, and a haven for book lovers in the store and online.

Joseph Stiglitz on the Loss of the American Dream, Trickle Down Economics and TTIP

An Interview with Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz in 2015. The GED team’s, Uli Schoof sat down with Nobel Laureate, Joseph Stiglitz recently to get his views on inequality, inclusive growth and free trade. In the resulting interview, Professor Stiglitz shared his thoughts on the “American Dream”, multi-national trade agreements and the failure of “Trickle Down” economics while contrasting the European and North American response to the financial crisis.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

UK: Pound Drops to 31-year Low against Dollar on Brexit Fears

The British Pound is at its lowest level against the dollar for 31 years.

The drop is the result of growing fears of a so-called "Hard Brexit" and that Britain will be forced out of the European single market during negotiations to leave the EU.

Al Jazeera’s UK correspondent, Barnaby Phillips reports from central London.

Euro Currency Sinking Europe Says Joseph Stiglitz

The euro is simply not sustainable and the Eurozone cannot simply look away while its currency sinks the continent, said Joseph Stiglitz, author of 'The Euro'. 'A common currency is threatening the future of Europe,' said Stiglitz. 'Muddling through will not work.' Stiglitz is a professor at Columbia University. He won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences