MARK ALEXANDER: America is nothing more than a plutocracy. Some call it an oligarchy. I prefer to call it a plutocracy. A plutocracy is a country ruled by the rich. And that is PRECISELY what America is. It pretends to be a democracy — a republic if you can keep it and all that crap — well, they haven’t kept it have they. Now, they will have one of the worst of all forms of government: rule by the superrich. The plutocrats are about to rule supreme. The little people there are about to become littler and even less important. The fabulously wealthy are about to become wealthier still. But hey! People with hundreds of billions deserve a few hundred billion more, don’t they? Otherwise, how the hell can we expect them to get by?
Trump is a cancer on the American body politic. Unfortunately, the cancer is metastasising throughout the western world. Trump’s plutocratic administration is going to be an object lesson to the rest of the world in how to enrich yourself and your buddies — and get away with it! And the Americans are stupid enough to put up with this CRAP! What they should be doing is taxing these people to bring down that horrendous national debt.
The West is broken — “BIGLY” — and it deserves the downfall that os coming to it. Who in his right mind would ever want to fight to preserve this ridiculous DISORDER? The West is RIPE for the TAKEOVER. It has LOST THE PLOT.
I am so glad that I am old enough to have experienced the West in the good times. I feel so sorry for the young people of today. They will never have a chance to witness how wonderful it was to be brought up in a sane world.
© Mark Alexander
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